Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life depends on friendship and Roses

I had another test today. Turns out OK, So nothing to worry, lah.
I took the opportunity to visit the office end see if the gang preparing for the show is OK.
Funnily enough, l entered the office to a chorus of "What are you doing here" "You should be at home!" and "You're not supposed to be working"
l can only give an embarrassed grin.
I'm really glad people around me are concerned enough. I'm not really hot on working, but for the last 20 years of my working life, the office has always been more home than home itself.
Like today, it was nice to be able to meet up with friends and chat rather than sit home all alone. And that's all that keeps me coming to office, not the work, but the reminder that here is where your friends are and here is what keeps you getting up every morning.
Take that away from me, and there's very little left to look for when the kids are in school and the woman you love is away at work.


Anonymous said...

Bro, I think it's about time you indulge yourself in other things than work...Collin Powell once mentioned that choose a leader that has other interest apart from politics or what he does for a living, .e.g. golf, fly fishing etc..AJ the Dr

One Woman's Thoughts said...

I think I agree with Anonymous. All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Don't this make you a sick man! :)

You take care

Hope to see u kicking back in the office soon

wfadzil said...

haha!thanks for the reminder. yup, need to diversify my interests a bit!