Friday, February 20, 2009

The journey

I started the week, back at work after a long break, on my feet facilitating a planning session, and ended it with another facilitation of a planning session. All in all this week I've had to facilitate some five or six sessions, which I suddenly realized I hadn't done in a long time.
As a facilitator, I treat each session as a show, going over the material looking for areas to improve, and looking for "hotspots" or areas in which people may not easily agree, going over the performance over and over again in my mind until I am clear of the paths that need to be taken. However, as the number of sessions grow, suddenly the opportunity to take a close look at each session at the same level of detail become scarce.
At the end of each of these sessions, I am overwhelmed by a sudden wave of tiredness, all the energy consumed, the adrenaline drained. Was it worth it? Sometimes I wonder.
I see my role as a scout. I make no decisions where to go, I make no decisions what to do. Yet, I am there to pinpoint the fastest way to the solution, I let the team find their own way yet I am there to make sure the things that need to be considered are not left out, the weak not jeopardized and the powerful not derailed.
At the end of these sessions, I wonder if I've made the journey easier for the team. Did it help? I wonder. The truth is, we won't ever know. Because the journey we experienced is the only journey we take, and arduous or not, we wont know if the paths we chose to ignore was for the better or for the worse.

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