Thursday, May 23, 2013

Outcomes.. Or outputs?

Had an interesting discussion today. What's outcome, and what's output?
Let's say, you build a bus stop. You put in effort, consume raw materials. At the end of it, you have a bus stop. The end result of your activities, I.e. Your output is the bus stop.
What, then, is the outcome? Consider the completion. We could say that the outcome of the project is an eyesore, or public convenience. The difference, pretty much depends on whether there was any benefit from it. It's a convenience if the public benefited, it's an eyesore otherwise.
And what if no one used it? Eyesore again! Thus we could think of an outcome as a function of output, usage and benefit. The outcome is negative if any of these inputs are not satisfied.
We could apply it to our performance measures, and our outcomes would be easily separated from our outputs.

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