Saturday, August 8, 2009


There's something about this place that I like.
Just beyond the Batu Dam, nestled between the trees, is a little Eco Resort.
Its an old one really, but it was recently taken over by new management. There's just something about the sound of water rushing by in a rocky stream covered by thick foliage on the sides.
We had put together a module and this place was selected.
Our program was an indoor one and it was conducted in a hot house of a hall. Thick mudbrick walls and zinc roof. As the sun reaches up we begin to bake. Despite all the fans running at full speed, we were sweating away at our curriculum.
I must congratulate my group for sticking through the program in the searing heat.
However, despite all the discomfort, it is all forgotten when I see the eyes following me intently; faces nodding, or lost in thought processing all the information.
And of the end of the day, the heat is all but forgotten when I stand on the river bank, the shade under the trees providing cool confort, the water swirling around the rocks with a continuous rush.

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