Sunday, August 2, 2009

More excellent service..

My wife had to run around a bit the other day one of those days where when someone delays then everything else gets pushed back.
In her rush, she went off to settle stuff with some government agencies. Finishing with one, she went off to another. It wasn't till she got home that she realized she'd left her file with all her documents behind.
She had planned to go the first thing next morning, but, weary after a long day, she didn't. I came home during lunch to find her all dressed and ready to go out. It turned out that the office where she left the file found her file, found her phone number and called her to say that they have her file and that she could come by and pick it up.
This is a government agency, I must remind you. I had already given up the file as lost when my wife didn't pick it up that morning.
Isn't that a nice surprise? Do you have a similar experience?

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