Saturday, August 22, 2009

when I first moved here, there was only my beat up Wira, my battle scarred Unser, my neighbor's Kenari and Jazz.
today l still have my trusty cars, but the parking lot's changed. Over a year my parking lot is something like a luxury car showroom. There's a whole row of gleaming Beemer, a Mini, an Alphwd an an X5. All surrounding my Wira that' missing a piece of the front spoiler.
Sometimes when I wake in the morning and step into the parking lot to go off to work, my car is immediately noticeable.
The latest addition right now is a prancing horse, and I guess upgrading my ride isn't a good idea as it will make my car less noticeable. I should offer my neighbor my services to take care of his pet, the prancing horse, and maybe take it out for a run once a week.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


There's something about this place that I like.
Just beyond the Batu Dam, nestled between the trees, is a little Eco Resort.
Its an old one really, but it was recently taken over by new management. There's just something about the sound of water rushing by in a rocky stream covered by thick foliage on the sides.
We had put together a module and this place was selected.
Our program was an indoor one and it was conducted in a hot house of a hall. Thick mudbrick walls and zinc roof. As the sun reaches up we begin to bake. Despite all the fans running at full speed, we were sweating away at our curriculum.
I must congratulate my group for sticking through the program in the searing heat.
However, despite all the discomfort, it is all forgotten when I see the eyes following me intently; faces nodding, or lost in thought processing all the information.
And of the end of the day, the heat is all but forgotten when I stand on the river bank, the shade under the trees providing cool confort, the water swirling around the rocks with a continuous rush.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More excellent service..

My wife had to run around a bit the other day one of those days where when someone delays then everything else gets pushed back.
In her rush, she went off to settle stuff with some government agencies. Finishing with one, she went off to another. It wasn't till she got home that she realized she'd left her file with all her documents behind.
She had planned to go the first thing next morning, but, weary after a long day, she didn't. I came home during lunch to find her all dressed and ready to go out. It turned out that the office where she left the file found her file, found her phone number and called her to say that they have her file and that she could come by and pick it up.
This is a government agency, I must remind you. I had already given up the file as lost when my wife didn't pick it up that morning.
Isn't that a nice surprise? Do you have a similar experience?