Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sevice Excellence

There is a particular Mamak Restaurant that's been around for quite a while and has quite a following. The food was quite good then it opened and l became quite a fan of it. As the place grew, I stopped going there regularly as I found the place rather crowded and parking was a nightmare. Though not as regularly, I would still stop by once in a way. But service weren't so good anymore blue to the large crowds.
I soon moved to a new neighborhood. By then, the same store had opened a branch (yeah, mamak shops had branches, too!) in the vicinity. l started to frequent the shop again but again kept being let down by the service. The final straw came when I had bad service over three visits in the same week. This time, a table after mine got served their food first while mine didn't. l chose to walk out and as we passed the manager, my wife took the opportunity to tell him why are were leaving. He apologized profusely but we explained that it was our third consecutive bad visit.
That was about two weeks ago. Today for some reason, we decided to stop there again, expecting the same crappy service. We recieved our orders almost immediately, and the manager came by to ask if everything was ok and to tell us that he had improved his production. I told him that I was pleasantly surprised and that, yes, things are much better this time around. He came by again asking if I needed to 'tambah' my roti canai, which I politely declined.
It was nice to know that things improved and that the manager took the trouble to tell me that I'm important enough for him to want my patronage. I don't go there as often as some people.
But here's the clincher in service excellence that not many people get: its about making every single customer important and making him know that his needs are attended to. Simple common sense, no MBA required.


Anonymous said...

Bro, i got an experience to share with you i.e my Pizza Hut Experience.

I ordered a take away at Alamanda Putrajaya and the experience was not good. First have to wait at an empty counter (there is only one person handling the order and she is buzy running from the kitchen counter to the order counter. After i got my order, i was told to wait for 14 minute for my Pizza, so i went around Alamanda while waiting. After 15 minute, my order was't ready, and even the guy infront of me hasn't got his. So i soundlah that counter girl, she said sekejap lagi, so, oklah i said, but after a few minute, cannot tahan anymore lah, I pity the girl yg jaga counter tu. So what i did ahh, i call the number of the person incharge of the pizzahut in that area (the contact number is printed in a small print at some corner of the restaurant), complaining about my ordeal. Then, walla, the manager suddenly come with with my order (plus extra small pizza to comfort me). Actually i don't want to trouble them, but sometimes, you should not promise something if you cannot deliver.


wfadzil said...

Yeah, its true.we don't want to get people in trouble but we expect you to give us what you promised.