Monday, June 29, 2009

Growing Customer service

I had the privilege of experiencing good customer service the other day.
I squeezed through a small door, down a tight little corridor to meet some relatives while another was being treated at he government hospital.
The corridor was guarded by a burly female guard, her desk across the corner of the 90 degree corridor, giving her a view of the the entrance that I sneaked through and the treatment room.
It was going to be a long wait, so we decided to use a tiny room with a long sofa while we waited. The room was dark and we scrambled around for a bit looking for the light switch.
I thought I saw the burly lady with the uniform give me a glare; then with both hands on her table, she shoved her chair back and heaved her massive bulk upright. She walked around the table and headed towards us. I was ready to be given a tongue lashing for stepping into that room.
When she reached us, she politely asked if we wanted to use the room to wait. When I nodded, she said,"excuse me" and switched on the lights, and the fan, too. She even offered us the use of the room while we waited, even though it was obvious that that's what we were there for.
As I sat in that room, waiting, I noticed that this lady continued to check on us, and the others who just like us were waiting. As new visitors came, she would lead them to the waiting area and offer the area for them to rest.
I realise that, appearance aside, the government hospital has very much grown in their services. I do realize its not fair to compare them to the profit driven private hospitals, who, despite the direct link between happy customers and profit, even then have service levels that leave much to be desired; but this service I've got is a far cry from the abusive holier-than-thou attitudes of the past.
I hope that this improvement trend continues, as the dream of a customer oriented goverment department becomes closer to reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wan, after being inside for almost ten years, i really notice there has been tremendous change in the attitude & service level of the government. But got a culture shock upon returning back to my pay master....there is a lot work to be done...