Saturday, June 6, 2009

Turtle Watching, anyone?

This being a turtle landing season, we took the opportunity to do some turtle watching at the turtle sanctuary in Cherating. Our visit to the Turtle Conservation Center didn't help as it was a public holiday and thus it was closed.
We were told that we could just come at night and wait to watch the turtles land.
We came out to the center late at night and trudged to the center. It was a full moon and we walked quietly along the beach. There was someone at the center gate facing the beach. We went over only to be told that we weren't allowed on the beach; we were supposed to wait in the center grounds until the ranger tells us if there were any landings sighted. A hall was provided for everyone to wait and rest or sleep.
We registered our names and found a chart in which they updated the number of landings over the month. Over the last few nights, there were only 2-3; the previous night, 5. According to the staff, the five turned up nearly morning, so he warned us that it might be a long wait before any landing would happen. He also mentioned that bright moon, low tide were not favored conditions. Typically, they come out if its dark, and if there are anything that make the turtles feel uncomfortable, they would leave. There had been many occasions where the turtles land and leave without laying any eggs.
We waited a while and a group of tourists came, laughing and talking at the top of their voices. Armed with bright flashlights, they were ready to make use of the time to socialize, joking about, shining lights out to the sea. A group of then decide to walk out the gate and onto the beach, the very place where we were not allowed to go.
We figured that if any turtles were around, tonight wont be the night they land. We sought out the staff to inform him that we were leaving; and we found that these were the kinds of things he faces on a daily basis during the holiday season. They allow people to come in to educate them about the turtles, but in allowing people in, they risk scaring the turtles with this kinds of behavior. Rightly, the staff says his priority are the turtles, and if he has to be unkind to people to protect the turtles, then so be it.
With the behavior I saw that night, I would agree with him.

For the adventurous, they have tents for rent at RM30 per tent, so you can wait in the center grounds in the privacy of your own tent.

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