Friday, January 30, 2009

Stop and smell the roses...

It happened suddenly. I was sketching in between writing a report on my pc and reviewing a workshop agenda. I'm in need of bifocals and things very close to the edge of my table blur out, so whenever I have a lot to read, I take my glasses off to see better. If I dont, I get this feeling that my eyes are jammed in their sockets, and this has always been a sign that its time to take my glasses off. But this time, I found that taking my glasses off didn't help, and my eyes couldn't focus and I felt that everything I tried to focus on was blinking. I pushed myself off the table and took a deep breath, but it didnt help. I got up and took a walk, but it didn't go away. I felt like there were rings behind my eyeballs that restricted their movements. I was left fighting a feeling of disorientation, and after a while a distinct distaste built up in the back of my mouth.
After a long while, the feeling subsided; my eyes felt heavy and I felt extremely tired. I left the office and grabbed a bite to eat, and a cup of coffee and although that made me feel better, I felt like I "wasn't quite all there".
The doctor I met the next day without batting an eyelid listed out the game plan. Firstly, I had to promise to take 2 weeks off work. Then, he would run me through a series of tests, and thirdly, depending on the results, he'd work with me to ensure that he'd bring down the indicators to normal levels.
And that's where I am now. In 12 hours, I'd be in his room and we'd be discussing my test results. In the meantime, I'm here in front of my pc, with a monitor on my arm taking readings every 20 minutes.
Deep down inside, I'm feeling relieved that a whole load of "to-do" items have been taken off my shoulders, but I'm also fighting a sense of guilt that a whole bunch of things I promised to deliver didn't happen. Compounding that is the fact that these things cannot wait for me, and for those people, its bad enough I'm not delivering the stuff I promised, now they have to pick up the bits and pieces, blow the dust off and try to piece together and deliver.
At the same time, as bad as I feel, I'm really touched by all the get well wishes, the phone calls and the e-mails I've recieved. I'm hoping for good news tomorrow, so that I can make up on all the broken promises.
Thank you dear friends, for letting me know that I can count on you all to keep the ship going. Thank you, too, for wanting to come by and catch up on how I'm doing. Lastly, thank you for the prayers.


Unknown said...

Hope everything will be ok. Learn to take one thing at a time.

Love ur body first before ur work. Other people can take care of ur work, but nobody can take care of your body but yourself.

Get well soon.

wfadzil said...

thanks for the advice. sometimes its the need to make the world a better place that makes me forget that nothing cam be done if i not there to make it happen!