Friday, May 6, 2011


I was at a shopping mall last night and two things caught my eye:
a couple was struggling with their stroller going down the escalator as i was coming up on the adjacent one. I guess it's easier to struggle with the escalator, because no one will give way if you try to take the lifts.
When i passed the couple, to my horror i saw the baby inside! I'd have thought you'd take a little more care and carry the baby!
2. When i reached the foyer, i found music booming at ear splitting decibels. A fashion show was on. I don't know how anyone can stand the noise! I thought it would be reasonable to bring it down a tad. Everyone there didn't seem to mind.
To me things like this show that we aren't ready for climate change, environmental awareness, wildlife conservation. We have a long way to care for ourselves, let alone things around us.