Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dessert at the chocolate lounge

We broke our fast today at Bangsar Village and decided to have dessert at the chocolate lounge. Absolutely superb! The not so nice bit was that the ordering had to be done at the counter, so choosing what to eat for a group of eight was somewhat difficult because reading the menu and trying to figure out what was being ordered was quite a challenge.
However, when the order came, dark chocolate souffle with strawberry dipped in chocolate syrup was absolutely sinful. top that with cappuchino, i tell you. we could also have had hot chocolate or ice blended chocolate shake. I had the chocolate fondue with mixed fruit , i.e. Starfruit, strawberries, pink guava and bananas. imagine dipping them into a bowl of melted chocolate, and you'll have an idea of the joy.
I was Looking for some cafe mocha, but couldn't find them amongst all the chocolate entrees in the menu.
They say eating chocolate is orgasmic, to absolutely agree!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

The office is winding down work in preparation of the long holidays. I see the expectant faces everywhere, the bags of cookies under the tables, the stacks of greeting cards. From the ceiling hang strings of decorative lights. Everyone is wishing each other with best wishes, everyone asking about travel plans.
Yes, its that time of year when everyone goes off for the long rush home for the holidays. The fasting month is almost over, and hari raya is almost here.
After more than two weeks of rushing work and running after missed deadlines, late nights and early mornings, things have suddenly slowed for this festive celebration. Its time to breathe again.
as the lull begins at the office, I suddenly feel drained. drained because i suddenly have the time now to set aside the work and appreciate the growing pile of papers crying for attention. I now can afford to sift thru more paperwork, especially those that had to be cast aside in favor of the urgent ones, and, in sifting thru find that these, too, are beginning to become urgent. I feel drained to know that there is more to come, despite the mental tiredness, there are things that need to be done.
All that being said, i am somewhat glad that this moment has come to allow me to stop a while to be able to look around me, to smile, to say hello and to wish everyone a wonderful festive break.
Regardless of race, religion, color and creed, let us all enjoy this season with our loved ones, may we journey safe; may we make the most of the little time we have to be with the ones we love, to forgive those whom we may have wronged, and, most importantly to return to each other to face the new season with a new resolve.
To all, i seek your forgiveness in whatever i may have done, and wish you all a safe and happy holidays.
Selamat Hari Raya.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Opportunities are everywhere!

It's always amazing to find opportunity staring at you.

We always tend to be cursing our own luck when things don't turn out right. Sometimes, we suffer with what we have, not knowing how to make things better.

But the old adage rings true, no matter how easily we forget it: In every hardship, there is opportunity.

This morning 1 heard someone talk about how we receive the best perks in the country, but in return, there are very little that we are willing to give up. When l heard this conversation, l saw a very large opportunity- All 1 need, perhaps is to spend 3 days researching this behavior, develop a tool and in one week a survey and then, presto! I've got me data that 1 can use to solve that problem. What an opportunity to make a little on the side ;-)

This applies to learning, too. Many a time we talk of how there are things we want to learn. However we can already look at stuff around ourselves and find many lessons.

l came across this piece on social media today (smt) on marketing. What a place to find opportunity to learn.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

back to the grind

its been an eventful week. Work cranked up a few notches, with the plan to present the pqmc proposal this week. All of a sudden, things sitting on the back burner, took priority. Items nearing completion, suddenly had to be set aside in favor of this proposal.
I took the opportunity this weekend to not at all touch the pc, and what a joy its been. Now the weekend is in the last laps, and i'm fighting the urge to switch on my pc.
Tomorrow, i shall look at my work and crunch out the deliverables. But not tonight. Tonight shall belong to me, and to those i wish to share it with.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hullo World!

I've been happily blogging at another Site when I realized that I wouldn't recieve comments on my blog.
As a result, I can only say that its time I more to another place where I can write, and where should anyone want to, leave comments.
So here l am now, at *blogspot.Com
I hope that being here means should anyone accidentally stumble here, do leave a friendly hello so that I know you've been round. In the meantime, I'll figure out a way to bring my archives over.
That's it for now, so Selamat BerPuasa and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all!
Salam, wfadzil